Love Affair #3

Love Affair #3

I'm pretty touchy feely when it comes to objects (although not people!) and how I love wool, fabric, ribbons, threads of all kinds – it’s so great to work with your hands and experience the materials physically as well as visually.
As well as more classic sewing and crotchet projects, I also like to experiment with fabric and fibres to create depth and texture. I never throw anything away (well hardly ever) so I have a massive stash of odds and ends to draw my inspiration from.
In this section you can discover my latest 'coup de coeur' from the world of all things textile.

dimanche 20 décembre 2015

Advent Calendar - Day 20

I think Christmas crackers are one of my favourite things - the rubbish joke and tacky gift just add to the fun, plus the fact that even the most miserable guest is obliged to sit through the meal wearing a paper hat is just a stroke of genius :)

Alors, pour les amis francophones, j'explique.... celui-ci est un 'cracker' sort de grand pétard décoré qui contient une blague (du genre d'un carambar si non pire...) ; un petit jouet ou puzzle (souvent en plastique qui se trouvera à la poubelle après) puis un chapeau en papier de soie, qui même le plus grincheux d'invité est obligé de porter pendant le repas.  Je trouve le tout formidable!

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