Love Affair #3

Love Affair #3

I'm pretty touchy feely when it comes to objects (although not people!) and how I love wool, fabric, ribbons, threads of all kinds – it’s so great to work with your hands and experience the materials physically as well as visually.
As well as more classic sewing and crotchet projects, I also like to experiment with fabric and fibres to create depth and texture. I never throw anything away (well hardly ever) so I have a massive stash of odds and ends to draw my inspiration from.
In this section you can discover my latest 'coup de coeur' from the world of all things textile.

jeudi 10 décembre 2015

Advent calendar -Day 10

I remember being shocked at school when the teacher explained that the angels were really boys - but this one is definitely feminine! The sweetpeas made such a pretty dress, I couldn't resist. She doesn't have tinsel on a coat hanger for a halo though ;)

Je me souviens d'être choqué à l'école quand notre maîtresse nous a expliqué que les anges étaient des garçons - mais celle ci est plutôt féminin! Le motif des pois de senteurs faisaient tellement joli sur sa robe.  Mais elle n'a pas une couronne fabriqué d'une guirlande comme dans la maternelle ;)

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